Middle Eastern Food
Mediterranean Origin Healthy Natural Dairy Products and Middle East Specialty Cheeses Remember their Roots
KARLACTI Authentic Handmade Specialty Cheeses
All Natural Mediterranean Specialty Foods
Middle Eastern Cheese
Middle Eastern Specialty cheese dairy products
company, Karlacti, Inc. is rooted in its Armenian Middle Eastern food culture,
authentic historic heritage of the Baghdassarian family and 80 years of pioneering history of its licensor,
a world famous Mideastern cheese and dairy products company.
The Middle
East is considered to be the
ancestral home of cheese.
Legend has it that the first cheese makers were
Middle Eastern.
Archeological discoveries in
Mesopotamia (actual Middle East) have revealed cheese-making equipment and the
first traces of the food dating back to ancient times (between 3500 and 2800
Ara Baghdassarian continues the path drawn by
his father, Ohannes Baghdassarian.
Ara Baghdassarian preserves the historical Armenian and Middle Eastern heritage of the
Baghdassarian family by producing authentic all natural Middle Eastern specialty
food, specialty artisan cheese, Armenian cheese, Middle Eastern cheese and Middle
Eastern specialty dairy products. |
All our products are certified by Dairy Management Inc. with the Real Seal of the United Dairy Industry Association. 